Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
(FSSAI) is an autonomous body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.The
FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 which is a consolidating statute related
to food safety and regulation in India. FSSAI is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the
regulation and supervision of food safety.
Regulatory framework
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is a statutory body under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. The Food
Safety and Standards Act (FSS), 2006 is the primary law for regulation of food products. This act also sets up the
formulation and enforcement of food safety standards in India. The FSSAI appoints food safety authorities on the state
The main aim of FSSAI is to:
1. Lay down science-based standards for articles of food
2. To regulate manufacture, storage, distribution,import and sale of food
3. To facilitate safety of food
Applicable FSSAI License
1. Registration: For Turnover less than ?12 Lakh
2. State License: For Turnover between ?12 Lakh to ?20 Crore
3. Central License: For Turnover above ?20 Crore
ESI Registration's Documents
a. Enrollment Certificate or the license issued under Shops and Establishment Act or the Factories Act (as the case may be)
b. MOA or AOA (Memorandum of Association OR Article of Association), Partnership Deed (in accordance with the ownership type
or constitution of the establishment)
c. The Initiation Certificate (or Certificate of Commencement) of production along with the GST number (in case available)
d. Record of monthly employment position, salary details etc.
e. Details of number and type of Partners Or Directors
f. Submission of documents like: PAN Card, Address Proof of the establishment.
g. Information in support of the date of commencement of the production or business
h. Bank statements copy
PF ( Employees' Provident Fund Organisation )
The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (abbreviated to EPFO), is an organization tasked to assist the Central Board
of Trustees, a statutory body formed by the Employees' Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and is under
the administrative control of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
A. For partnership firms
* Name of the partnership firm
* Certificate of Registration Firms in case of Partnership firm.
* Partnership deed in case of partnership firms
* Id proof of partners –Pan card /Election Card / Passport/Driving license
* List of all partners with telephone number and address proof of all partners.
* Initial bill raised by the Partnership firms.
B. For Proprietor
* Name of the applicant
* Pan card of applicant
* Id proof of the applicant like Driving license/Passport/Election Card
* Address proof of applicant.
* Certificate of incorporation of the proprietor
* Full analysis of the applicant with their residential address and telephone number