Limited Liability Partership Registration

    The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 was enacted by the Parliament of India to introduce and legally sanction the concept of LLP in India. Unlike the general partnerships in India, LLP is a body corporate and legal entity separate from its partners, have Perpetual succession and any change in the partners of a LLP shall not affect the existence, rights or liabilities of the LLP

    Process of Limited Liability Partership

    1. Name approval by the MCA
    2. Get DIN and DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)
    3. Incorporation of the company
    4. Filling MOA and AOA
    5. Entering the list for TAN

    Documents For Registration

    1. Any address proof for directors as well as shareholders (like: Driving License, Passport, or Voter ID)
    2. Copy of latest electricity bill, telephone bill, or mobile bill for directors.
    3. Occupation of directors as well as shareholders.
    4. E-Mail IDs of all directors and shareholders.
    5. Duplicate of rent accord along with No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the landlord (if in case the office premise is rented).
    6. Affidavits for non- acceptance and Photograph.
    7. Subscriber Sheets of MoA and the AoA.
    8. PAN Card of the company.
    9. Proof of Nationality for foreign subscriber.

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